Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Gender Roles Are Predetermined by the Environment

How gender roles are predetermined by the environment What is male? What is female? The answers to these questions everyone may depend on the types of gender roles they were exposed to as a child. Gender roles can be defined as the behaviours and attitudes expected of male and female members of a society by that society. Basically to make it clear the pattern of masculine or feminine behaviours of an individual that is defined by a particular culture and that is largely determined by a childs upbringing is what is calls gender roles. Gender roles vary. Different cultures impose different expectations upon the men and women who live in that culture. A persons sexuality comes from within him or her making a person homosexual,†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"A Doll’s House,† Lorrie Moore relates behaviours regarding genders and how genders are expected from the social context. â€Å"A Doll’s House† was a play which forced its audience to question the gender roles constructed by society. 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